Bethlehem Lutheran Church

A congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

6:00am Men's Bible Study

1:30pm Evening Circle

9:30am Seneca

7:00pm Elders Meeting

9:30am Seneca

6:00am Men's Bible Study

9:00am Divine Service


10:30am Bible Study/Sunday School

9:00am Divine Service


10:30am Bible Study/Sunday School

6:00am Men's Bible Study

Ravenna Co-op Banquet

9:30am Ladies Bible Study

3:45pm Midweek Class

6:00am Men's Bible Study

9:30 Seneca Service

9:30am Quilts/Diapers

9:30am Seneca

9:30am Quilt Tying

9:30am Ladies Bible Study

NO Midweek Class

9:00am Divine Service

10:30am Bible Study/Sunday School

6:00am Men's Bible Study

9:30am Ladies Bible Study

3:45pm Midweek Class

9:00am Divine Service


10:30am Bible Study/Sunday School

9:30am Ladies Bible Study

3:45pm Midweek Class